Pablo Escobar, The Drug Lord

I’m enjoying this show on Netflix, but like everything I’ve read about Colombia and Killing Pablo, it makes me not want Colombians in my country (except for a tiny elite). This show is a panorama of life where the average IQ is two standard deviations below Ashkenazi life. Average IQ in Colombia is 84, lower than American blacks and four points lower than the average Mexican.

The show does help me to understand things from the drug trafficker point of view. It makes rational sense for these countries to be narco countries. That’s where the money is. Why should they feel bad if Americans want to spend money on their products?

I’m struck by the hostility that many Colombians in the series have for “gringos.” It makes me feel not so bad that many gringos have such hostility for latinos. If it is bad for white Americans to hate Mexicans, then surely it is just as bad for Mexicans to hate white Americans? Both are distinct groups engaged in an evolutionary struggle for survival. They have different interests that often clash. America would be better off without the 80% of American latinos who have IQs under 100 and may well be better off as a white country rather than as an extension of Mexico.

Liquor store owners in the inner cities remind me of drug peddlers. I suppose it is not their problem that they are trafficking in death to addicts. Inner cities are not strengthened by the presence of liquor stores. They would be better off without them. Individual owners profit off the misery of others.

Thinking about this miniseries, it seems to me that it was not worth it for the Colombian opponents of Pablo Escobar to risk their lives fighting Pablo because Pablo’s trafficking was not necessarily against Colombia’s interests just as drug trafficking is not necessarily against Mexico’s interests today. I’m not an expert here, but if a group can get rich selling a product to people they don’t much like, why not? It reminds me of those Jews who got rich selling porn, alcohol, drugs, prostitutes and the like and using the proceeds to support Jewish institutions. When you belong to a strongly identifying in-group, you’re not likely to care much about outsiders. Anglos are the exception in that they tend to form communities based on righteousness rather than ethics.

I enjoy the scenes of the drug traffickers praying, reciting Catholic rituals and the like. Judaism and Catholicism are ritualistic religions and even when its adherents do evil, they may well sprinkle some religious practices into the mix. Protestants don’t do this nearly as much. I can’t think of any major Protestant drug traffickers or pornographers who practiced their religion like these Colombians.

Jeff* emails:

You might enjoy this wide ranging interview with Pablo’s brother, Roberto Escobar.
I don’t think your generalizations about Colombia are correct. If you read Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s autobiography (or memoir) you will see that it had a cultural and intellectual scene akin to many European countries. I don’t know how much Indian blood courses through the veins of Colombians. In Mexico (and Peru) you see a small number of people who appear to be of European stock, a large number of Mestizos and a smaller but fairly large number of Indians. But in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, the Indians were mostly wiped out and the population is almost entirely of European descent. (both Brazil and Peru have many Japanese. In fact Sao Paolo Brazil has the largest number of Japanese in any one city outside of Japan. Peru had a Japanese President.)

You can’t generalize about Latin America. Obviously, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua have predominantly Indian or Mestizo populations. Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru have large numbers of Indians. Brazil, Surinam, French Guiana and Guiana all have populations largely of African descent.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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